an instrument that records the distribution of levels of bioelectric potentials at several dozen points on the body at any given time. The points are projected on the screen of a kinescope and appear in the form of spots of varying brightness. The position of these spots corresponds to the position of the discharging electrodes on the body of the animal or person under investigation. Filming of the toposcope’s findings makes it possible to observe the dynamics of the potentials’ changes over a period of time. When an electroencephaloscope is used instead of a to-poscope, 50 to 100 points of the brain’s bioelectric activity may be studied.
Livanov, M. N., and V. N. Anan’ev. Elektroentsefaloskopiia. Moscow, 1959.Amirov, R. Z. Integral’nye topogrammy potentsialov serdtsa. Moscow, 1973.