Porzig, Walter

Porzig, Walter


Born Mar. 30, 1895, in Ronneburg, Thuringia; died Oct. 14, 1961, in Mainz. German philologist.

Porzig taught at the University of Leipzig from 1922 to 1925 and later became a professor at the Universities of Bern, Jena (from 1935), Strasbourg (1941–45), and Mainz (from 1951). In 1935 he began to publish the journal Indogermanisches Jahrbuch. His chief works are in comparative Indo-European linguistics and ancient Greek language and literature. Porzig also did research on the Mahabharata, an ancient Indian epic.


Das Schlangenopfer. Leipzig, 1924.
Aischylos, die attische Tragödie. Leipzig, 1926.
Die Namen für Satzinhalte in Griechischen und im Indogermanischen. Berlin, 1942.
Das Wunder der Sprache, 3rd ed. Bern, 1962.
Die Gliederung des Indogermanischen Sprachgebiets. Heidelberg, 1954.
In Russian translation:
Chlenenie indoevropeiskoi iazykovoi oblasti. Moscow, 1964.