p-aminosalicylic acid

p-aminosalicylic acid

 (PAS) (PASA) [ah-me″no-sal-ĭ-sil´ik] an analogue of p-aminobenzoic acid that inhibits folic acid synthesis in Mycobacterium tuberculosis, used in the treatment of tuberculosis, administered orally. In pharmacy it is officially called aminosalicylic acid. It enhances the potency of streptomycin and delays the development of bacilli resistant to streptomycin. Gastrointestinal irritation accompanied by anorexia, nausea, and vomiting may be reduced by administering the drug with food at mealtime.

p-a·mi·no·sal·i·cyl·ic ac·id (PAS, PASA),

(ă-mē'nō-sal-i-sil'ik as'id), A bacteriostatic agent against tubercle bacilli, used as a second-line agent; potassium, sodium, and calcium salts have the same use.