释义 |
tache (tæʃ; tɑːʃ) narchaic a buckle, clasp, or hook[C17: from Old French, of Germanic origin; compare tack1]
tache (tæʃ) n (Hairdressing & Grooming) informal short for moustacheTranslationsEncyclopediaSeemoustachetacheenUK
tache [tahsh] (Fr.) a spot or blemish.tache blanche (“white spot”), a white spot on the liver in certain infectious diseases.t's bleuâtres (“bluish spots”), maculae caeruleae.tache cérébrale (“cerebral spot”), a congested streak produced by drawing the nail across the skin; a concomitant of various nervous or cerebral diseases.tache motrice (“motor spot”), a motor nerve ending in which the nerve fibril passes to a muscle cell, where it ends in a slight enlargement.tache noire (“black spot”), an ulcer covered with a black crust, a characteristic local reaction at the presumed site of the infective bite in certain tickborne rickettsioses.tache (tahsh), A circumscribed discoloration of the skin or mucous membrane, such as a macule or freckle. [Fr. spot] tache (tahsh) A circumscribed discoloration of the skin or mucous membrane, such as a macule or freckle. [Fr. spot]TACHE
Acronym | Definition |
TACHE➣Texas Association of Chicanos in Higher Education | TACHE➣Tyler Area Christian Home Educators (Tyler, TX) | TACHE➣Tennessee Alliance for Continuing Higher Education (University of Memphis; Memphis, TN) |