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Tacan (ˈtækən) n (Navigation) an electronic ultrahigh-frequency navigation system for aircraft which gives a continuous indication of bearing and distance from a transmitting station[C20: tac(tical) a(ir) n(avigation)]TACANAn ultrahigh frequency electronic air navigation system, able to provide continuous bearing and slant range to a selected station. The term is derived from tactical air navigation.TACAN
Tacan[′tak‚an] (navigation) tactical air navigation system TACAN (tactical air navigation) Bearing measurement by phase comparison method.A radio navigational aid operating in the UHF (ultrahigh frequency) band that provides information about the slant range and the bearing from the station. It is used generally by the military. The aircraft equipment interrogates the ground transponder and obtains the slant range by measuring the time difference and the magnetic bearing to the aircraft. It does this by modulating the pulses being transmitted by the beacon. Since the ground beacon is continuously on, the bearing and range information is continuously available. TACAN equipment also permits an aircraft to find its range from another aircraft also equipped with TACAN and operating at a fixed differential frequency. The frequency selection is by a preset channel number (1 to 126). On aeronautical charts, TACAN is shown by the symbol  TACAN
Acronym | Definition |
TACAN➣Tactical Air Navigation | TACAN➣Tactical Air Command and Navigation System (US NASA) | TACAN➣Tactical Airborne Navigation | TACAN➣Tactical Control and Navigation |