

单词 pals
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 pediatric advanced life support.


Abbreviation for periarterial lymphatic sheath.


Abbreviation for:
Patient Advice and Liaison Service, see there 
Pediatric Advanced Life support
periarteriolar lymphoid sheath, see there


Pediatric advanced life support


Abbreviation for pediatric advanced life support.

Patient discussion about PALS

Q. I think I have got involved with a man who had a bipolar, he never mentioned it I need to talk to somebody,pls The problem is he would never even admit it if I ever ask him.He's nice and caring and the next day he would disapearing without any reason, after a few weeks he would come back again even without saying sorry and repeats over and over again....I need to talk to somebody...Thank youA. I have read your question/answers; an where i come from we would call him a player-he can be a player and bipolar at the same time,as a man i would let him make the first move and see where it goes from there.If you are having so much stress from this person now/think about living with him later--is it worst your mental health/an stress on your system to be with him/if a person really loves you he wouldnt leave for no reason like he is doing----think about your life with him ?------------mrfoot56

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FinancialSeePassive Activity Loss


PALSPediatric Advanced Life Support
PALSPatient Advice and Liaison Services (UK)
PALSParenting and Life Skills (various organizations)
PALSPhonological Awareness Literacy Screening (various locations)
PALSPerformance Assessment Links in Science
PALSPet Assistance League
PALSPla d'Acció Local per a la Sostenibilitat (Catalan: Local Action Plan for Sustainability)
PALSPeer Assistance and Leadership
PALSPositron Annihilation Lifetime Spectroscopy
PALSPartners in Active Learning Support (mentoring program; Future Farmers of America)
PALSPhase Analysis Light Scattering (laboratory instrument)
PALSPouch Attachment Ladder System (US DoD)
PALSPublisher and Library/Learning Solutions
PALSPerformance Assessment for Language Students
PALSPrinciples of the Alphabet Literacy System
PALSPositively Affecting Lives
PALSPeace and Love in Schools (national charity in Jamaica)
PALSPrecision Approach and Landing System
PALSPeriarteriolar Lymphatic Sheath (surrounds central arteries within spleen)
PALSPublic Action Law Society (University of Memphis; Tennessee)
PALSPapillon-Lefevre Syndrome
PALSPassaic County Library System (New Jersey)
PALSPriest Abnormal Load Services (UK)
PALSPartnership, Acceptance, Learning and Sharing (Australian Department of Indigenous Affairs initiative)
PALSProfessional Assisted Living Software
PALSProtection Against Limited Strikes
PALSProgram for Alternative Learning (Limestone College )
PALSPrimary Automated Lookout System (missing children database; Canada)
PALSPersons with Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis
PALSPositive and Living Squad (Global Friends in Action, Inc.)
PALSProgram Automated Library System
PALSPETCO Animal Lovers Save
PALSPEC Alumni Society (PEC = Punjab Engineering College; India)
PALSPortable Automated Lookout System (US DHS)
PALSPatriot Automated Logistics System
PALSPartnering and Leadership Success (National Credit Union Administration)
PALSPhoto Area & Location System
PALSPerforming Arts of Lake & Sumter Counties (Florida)
PALSPartners and Alliances Linking Schools
PALSProtection Against Accidental Launch System
PALSPeer Advisors Leading Students
PALSPACOM Academic Library Steering (Committee)
PALSPortable Airfield Light Set
PALSPunk Academy of Life Science




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