Robert Filippovich Fogel

Fogel’, Robert Filippovich


Born Mar. 1, 1859, in Rzhishchev; died Feb. 27, 1920. Russian astronomer.

Fogel’ graduated from the University of Kiev in 1886. In 1893 he became a privatdocent at the university, and in 1899, a professor. In 1901 he was named director of the Kiev Astronomical Observatory. His major works were devoted to theoretical astronomy. In a series of studies devoted to the determination of planetary and cometary orbits, Fogel’ developed and expanded the classical methods for determining the orbits proposed by K. F. Gauss and H. W. Olbers.


Opredelenie elementov orbit po trem nabliudeniiam. Kiev, 1891.
“Opredelenie orbit malo-naklonennykh k ekliptike.” Universitetskie izvestiia, 1896, vol. 36, no. 2.
“O nevozmozhnosti trekh reshenii pri teoreticheski polnom opredelenii parabolicheskoi orbity.” Ibid., 1911, vol. 51, no. 5.