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spo·rog·o·ny S0663900 (spə-rŏg′ə-nē, spô-, spō-)n. Reproduction by multiple fission of a spore or zygote, characteristic of many apicomplexan parasites. Sporogony results in the production of sporozoites. spo′ro·gon′ic (spôr′ə-gŏn′ĭk) adj.sporogony (spɔːˈrɒɡənɪ; -ˈrɒdʒ-; spə-) n (Biology) the process in sporozoans by which sporozoites are formed from an encysted zygote by multiple fissionspo•rog•o•ny (spəˈrɒg ə ni) n. (in certain sporozoans) the multiple fission of an encysted zygote or oocyte, resulting in the formation of sporozoites. [1885–90] sporogonyenUK
sporogony[spə′räg·ə·nē] (biology) Reproduction by means of spores. (invertebrate zoology) Propagative reproduction involving formation, by sexual processes, and subsequent division of a zygote. sporogonyenUK
sporogony [spŏ-rog´ah-ne] the sexual stage in the life cycle of a sporozoan parasite, with development of the zygote into one or several haploid spores, each containing a distinctive number of sporozoites. adj., adj sporogon´ic.spo·rog·o·ny (spō-rog'ŏ-nē), The formation of sporozoites in sporozoan protozoa, a process of asexual division within the sporoblast, which becomes the sporocyst within an oocyst; follows fusion of gametes (gametogony) and zygote (sporont) formation. Synonym(s): sporogenesis, sporogeny [sporo- + G. goneia, generation] sporogony (spə-rŏg′ə-nē, spô-, spō-)n. Reproduction by multiple fission of a spore or zygote, characteristic of many apicomplexan parasites. Sporogony results in the production of sporozoites. spo′ro·gon′ic (spôr′ə-gŏn′ĭk) adj.spo·rog·o·ny , sporogeny (spŏr-og'ŏ-nē, -oj'ĕ-nē) The formation of sporozoites in sporozoan protozoa, a process of asexual division within the sporoblast, which becomes the sporocyst within an oocyst; follows fusion of gametes (gametogony) and zygote (sporont) formation. Synonym(s): sporogenesis. [sporo- + G. goneia, generation]sporogony the formation of SPOROCYTES in a PROTOZOAN zygote by encystment and division.ThesaurusSeesporozoite |