palmomental reflex

pal·mo·men·tal re·flex

[MIM*167700] unilateral (sometimes bilateral) contraction of the mentalis and orbicularis oris muscles caused by a brisk scratch made on the palm of the ipsilateral hand. Synonym(s): palm-chin reflex

palmomental reflex

Palm-chin reflex Neurology A unilateral contraction of the mentalis and orbicularis oris triggered by brisk scratching of the ipsilateral palm


André, 20th century French physician. Marinesco-Radovici reflex - Synonym(s): Radovici signRadovici reflex - Synonym(s): Radovici signRadovici sign - chin twitching that is caused by scratching the palm. Synonym(s): Marinesco-Radovici reflex; palm-chin reflex; palmomental reflex; Radovici reflex

pal·mo·men·tal re·flex

(palmō-mentăl rēfleks) [MIM*167700] Unilateral (sometimes bilateral) contraction of mentalis and orbicularis oris muscles caused by a brisk scratch made on palm of ipsilateral hand.