Thousand Hills State Park

Thousand Hills State Park

Parks Directory of the United States / State Parks / Missouri
Location:West from Kirksville on Rt 6, then south 2 miles on Highway 157 in Adair County.
Facilities:15 basic campsites, 42 electric campsites, showers, special use area, outpost cabin, 4 duplex/fourplex units, picnic sites, 5picnic shelters (4 open, 1 enclosed), hiking trails, mountain bikingtrails, backpacking trails, beach, full-service marina, boat ramp, boatrentals, dining lodge, interpretive shelter.
Activities:Camping, boating, water-skiing, canoeing, lake fishing, swimming, hiking, mountain biking, interpretive programs.
Special Features:Park centers around 573-acre Forest Lake, which also supplies water forthe Kirksville community. An interpretive shelter at the park displayspetroglyphs, rock carvings created by Native American inhabitants morethan 1,500 years ago.
Address:20431 State Hwy 157
Kirksville, MO 63501

Size: 3,080 acres.

See other parks in Missouri.