

单词 thought



T0181000 (thôt)v.Past tense and past participle of think.n.1. The process of thinking; cogitation: sitting deep in thought at the computer.2. A product of thinking or other mental activity: What are your thoughts on this matter? See Synonyms at idea.3. The faculty of thinking or reasoning: Why not use thought instead of emotion to solve the problem?4. The intellectual activity or production of a particular time or group: ancient Greek thought; deconstructionist thought.5. Consideration; attention: didn't give much thought to what she said.6. a. Intention; purpose: My thought is to live in a house on a lake.b. Expectation or conception: She had no thought that anything was wrong.Idiom: a thought To a small degree; somewhat: You could be a thought more considerate.
[Middle English, from Old English gethōht, thōht; see tong- in Indo-European roots.]


(θɔːt) vb the past tense and past participle of thinkn1. the act or process of thinking; deliberation, meditation, or reflection2. a concept, opinion, or idea3. philosophical or intellectual ideas typical of a particular time or place: German thought in the 19th century. 4. application of mental attention; consideration: he gave the matter some thought. 5. purpose or intention: I have no thought of giving up. 6. expectation: no thought of reward. 7. a small amount; trifle: you could be a thought more enthusiastic. 8. kindness or regard: he has no thought for his widowed mother. [Old English thōht; related to Old Frisian thochta, Old Saxon, Old High German githācht]



n. 1. the product of mental activity; that which one thinks: a body of thought. 2. a single act or product of thinking; idea or notion: to collect one's thoughts. 3. the act or process of thinking; mental activity; reflection or cogitation. 4. the capacity or faculty of thinking, reasoning, imagining, etc. 5. meditation, contemplation, or recollection: deep in thought. 6. intention, design, or purpose: We had some thought of going. 7. anticipation or expectation: I had no thought of seeing you here. 8. consideration, attention, care, or regard: to take no thought of one's appearance. 9. a judgment, opinion, or belief: According to his thought, all violence is evil. 10. the intellectual activity or the ideas, opinions, etc., characteristic of a place, group, or time: Greek thought. [before 900; Middle English thoght, Old English (ge)thōht, c. Old Saxon githāht, Old High German gidāht] syn: See idea.



v. pt. and pp. of think.



brainstorm A sudden and powerful thought; a good idea. The concept of forcefulness contained in the storm element seems to be losing ground to that of disorder and chaos, so that brainstorm is now most often used ironically to mean a whimsical or ill-considered notion, a stupid idea.

brown study Absorption in thought; a pensive mood; absent-mindedness. This phrase dates from the early 16th century; the brown of the expression apparently stemmed from brown ‘gloomy.’ Citations indicate that the phrase varies in meaning: it may be used for serious thought; for apparent pensiveness masking actual absent-mindedness; or for simple idle daydreaming. John Crowe Ransom uses the phrase poignantly in “Bells for John Whiteside’s Daughter”:

There was such speed in her little body,
Ana such lightness in her footfall,
It is no wonder that her brown study
Astonishes us all.

a horseback opinion A guess, an offhand impression, a hasty opinion or judgment delivered without “stopping to think,” as though from horseback. Use of this U.S. colloquialism dates from the late 19th century.

I am not here as a judicial authority or oracle. I can only give horseback opinion. (Congressional Record, April 23, 1879)

on the carpet Under consideration or up for discussion. This expression, in use since 1726, comes from the earlier on or upon the tapis (since 1690), a partial translation of the French sur le tapis On the tablecloth.’ The tablecloth in question is the one covering the council table around which the members meet to discuss items of business.

put on one’s thinking cap To think about or consider; to ponder; to reflect or concentrate. Although “thinking caps”have been mentioned in children’s literature and various legends for hundreds of years, the most likely allusion is to the official headgear which a British magistrate would wear when considering the disposition of a case and when passing sentence. In its figurative use, put on one’s thinking cap clearly implies that the matter at hand merits serious thought.

It is satisfactory to know that the Post Office Department has its thinking cap on. (Daily Chronicle, January, 1903)

sleep on it To contemplate and reflect upon an important proposal, plan, or other matter without making a hasty decision; to consider something overnight before making up one’s mind. This expression, in popular use for centuries, implies that some decisions, particularly portentous ones, merit at least one night of conscious and, while sleeping, subconscious thought.

His Grace … said that he would sleep and dream upon the matter, and give me an answer [in] the morning. (State Papers of Henry VIII, 1519)

Noun1.thought - the content of cognitionthought - the content of cognition; the main thing you are thinking about; "it was not a good idea"; "the thought never entered my mind"ideacognitive content, mental object, content - the sum or range of what has been perceived, discovered, or learnedinspiration - arousal of the mind to special unusual activity or creativitycogitation - a carefully considered thought about something; "his cogitations were dutifully recorded in his daybook"concept, conception, construct - an abstract or general idea inferred or derived from specific instancespreoccupation - an idea that preoccupies the mind and holds the attentionmisconception - an incorrect conceptionplan, program, programme - a series of steps to be carried out or goals to be accomplished; "they drew up a six-step plan"; "they discussed plans for a new bond issue"figment - a contrived or fantastic idea; "a figment of the imagination"generalisation, generality, generalization - an idea or conclusion having general application; "he spoke in broad generalities"suggestion - an idea that is suggested; "the picnic was her suggestion"impression, notion, belief, feeling, opinion - a vague idea in which some confidence is placed; "his impression of her was favorable"; "what are your feelings about the crisis?"; "it strengthened my belief in his sincerity"; "I had a feeling that she was lying"reaction - an idea evoked by some experience; "his reaction to the news was to start planning what to do"theorem - an idea accepted as a demonstrable truthwhimsey, whimsy, whim, notion - an odd or fanciful or capricious idea; "the theatrical notion of disguise is associated with disaster in his stories"; "he had a whimsy about flying to the moon"; "whimsy can be humorous to someone with time to enjoy it"meaning, substance - the idea that is intended; "What is the meaning of this proverb?"burden - the central idea that is expanded in a document or discoursetheme, motif - a unifying idea that is a recurrent element in literary or artistic work; "it was the usual `boy gets girl' theme"ideal - the idea of something that is perfect; something that one hopes to attainidealisation, idealization - something that exists only as an ideakeynote - a fundamental or central ideakink - an eccentric idea
2.thought - the process of using your mind to consider something carefullythought - the process of using your mind to consider something carefully; "thinking always made him frown"; "she paused for thought"cerebration, intellection, mentation, thinking, thought processhigher cognitive process - cognitive processes that presuppose the availability of knowledge and put it to usefree association - a thought process in which ideas (words or images) suggest other ideas in a sequencemental synthesis, construction - the creation of a construct; the process of combining ideas into a congruous object of thoughtabstract thought, logical thinking, reasoning - thinking that is coherent and logicalline of thought - a particular way of thinking that is characteristic of some individual or grouptrain of thought, thread - the connections that link the various parts of an event or argument together; "I couldn't follow his train of thought"; "he lost the thread of his argument"mysticism - obscure or irrational thoughtideation - the process of forming and relating ideasconsideration - the process of giving careful thought to somethingexcogitation - thinking something out with care in order to achieve complete understanding of itexplanation - thought that makes something comprehensibleplanning, preparation, provision - the cognitive process of thinking about what you will do in the event of something happening; "his planning for retirement was hindered by several uncertainties"problem solving - the thought processes involved in solving a problemconvergent thinking - thinking that brings together information focussed on solving a problem (especially solving problems that have a single correct solution)divergent thinking, out-of-the-box thinking - thinking that moves away in diverging directions so as to involve a variety of aspects and which sometimes lead to novel ideas and solutions; associated with creativity
3.thought - the organized beliefs of a period or group or individual; "19th century thought"; "Darwinian thought"belief - any cognitive content held as truemainstream - the prevailing current of thought; "his thinking was in the American mainstream"
4.thought - a personal belief or judgment that is not founded on proof or certaintythought - a personal belief or judgment that is not founded on proof or certainty; "my opinion differs from yours"; "I am not of your persuasion"; "what are your thoughts on Haiti?"opinion, persuasion, sentiment, viewidea - a personal view; "he has an idea that we don't like him"judgment, judgement, mind - an opinion formed by judging something; "he was reluctant to make his judgment known"; "she changed her mind"belief - any cognitive content held as trueeyes - opinion or judgment; "in the eyes of the law"; "I was wrong in her eyes"parti pris, preconceived idea, preconceived notion, preconceived opinion, preconception, prepossession - an opinion formed beforehand without adequate evidence; "he did not even try to confirm his preconceptions"pole - one of two divergent or mutually exclusive opinions; "they are at opposite poles"; "they are poles apart"political sympathies, politics - the opinion you hold with respect to political questions


noun1. thinking, consideration, reflection, deliberation, regard, musing, meditation, contemplation, introspection, rumination, navel-gazing (slang), cogitation, brainwork, cerebration After much thought I decided to end my marriage.2. opinion, view, belief, idea, thinking, concept, conclusion, assessment, notion, conviction, judgment, conception, conjecture, estimation It is my thought that the situation will be resolved.3. consideration, study, attention, care, regard, scrutiny, heed He had given some thought to what she had told him.4. intention, plan, idea, design, aim, purpose, object, notion They had no thought of surrendering.5. hope, expectation, dream, prospect, aspiration, anticipation He had now banished all thought of retirement.6. concern, care, regard, anxiety, sympathy, compassion, thoughtfulness, solicitude, attentiveness They had no thought for others who might get hurt.Quotations
"Thought flies and words go on foot" [Julien Green Journal]
"Learning without thought is labour lost; thought without learning is perilous" [Confucius Analects]


noun1. The act or process of thinking:brainwork, cerebration, cogitation, contemplation, deliberation, excogitation, meditation, reflection, rumination, speculation.2. That which exists in the mind as the product of careful mental activity:concept, conception, idea, image, notion, perception.


(ˈθoːt) verbsee think. noun1. something that one thinks; an idea. I had a sudden thought. 思想 思想2. the act of thinking; consideration. After a great deal of thought we decided to emigrate to America. 思考 思考3. general opinion. scientific thought. 思潮 思潮ˈthoughtful adjective1. (appearing to be) thinking deeply. You look thoughtful; a thoughtful mood. 考慮周到的 考虑周到的2. thinking of other people; consideration. It was very thoughtful of you to do that. 體貼的 体贴的ˈthoughtfully adverb 體貼地,周到地 体贴地,周到地 ˈthoughtfulness noun 思考 思考ˈthoughtless adjective not thinking about other people; showing no thought, care or consideration; inconsiderate. thoughtless words. 輕率的,粗心的 自私的,轻率的,粗心的 ˈthoughtlessly adverb 粗心地 粗心地ˈthoughtlessness noun 粗心 粗心




  • (as) swift as thought
  • (one) never thought (one) would see (someone) here
  • a penny for your thoughts
  • a school of thought
  • a second thought
  • a sobering thought
  • a thought
  • a train of thought
  • absorbed in thought
  • collect (one's) thoughts
  • collect (oneself)
  • collect thoughts
  • collect yourself/your thoughts
  • come to think of it
  • food for thought
  • give (one) food for thought
  • give (one) pause for thought
  • give (something) thought
  • give pause for thought
  • give some thought to
  • give thought to (something)
  • have second thoughts
  • hold that thought
  • I thought as much
  • it's the thought that counts
  • lose (one's) train of thought
  • lose train of thought
  • lost in thought
  • never thought I'd see you here!
  • not give (something) a second thought
  • not give (something) another thought
  • not give it another thought
  • not think much of (someone or something)
  • on second thought
  • on second thoughts
  • pale at the thought of (something)
  • park that thought
  • penny for your thoughts
  • penny for your thoughts, a
  • Perish the thought
  • perish the thought!
  • read (one's) mind
  • read (one's) thoughts
  • read somebody's mind/thoughts
  • recoil at the sight
  • recoil at the thought (of someone or something)
  • school of thought
  • second thoughts
  • swift as an arrow
  • the wish is father to the thought
  • think (one) owns the place
  • think (the) better of (one)
  • think a great deal of (someone or something)
  • think a lot of (someone or something)
  • think ahead
  • think aloud
  • think better of it/(something)
  • think big
  • think fit (to do something)
  • think greatly of (someone or something)
  • think highly of (someone or something)
  • think ill of (someone or something)
  • think little of (someone or something)
  • think long and hard
  • think much of (someone or something)
  • think nothing of (something)
  • Think nothing of it
  • think of
  • think out
  • think out loud
  • think out of the box
  • think outside (of) the box
  • think over
  • think poorly of (someone or something)
  • think positive
  • think the world of (someone or something)
  • think through
  • think to
  • think twice
  • think up
  • thoughts and prayers
  • train of thought
  • who would have thought
  • Who would have thought?
  • without a second thought
  • words to live by



 [thawt] the result or product of thinking.thought broadcasting the belief that one's thoughts are being broadcast from one's head to the external world.thought disorder a disturbance in the thought process that is most narrowly defined as disorganized thinking with altered associations, as is characteristic of schizophrenia. The term is often used much more broadly to include any disturbance of thought, such as confusion, hallucinations, or delusions, which affects possession, quantity, or content of thought.thought stopping a method of overcoming obsessive, phobic, or otherwise distressing thoughts by first concentrating on them and after a short time stopping or interrupting them.


(thawt), 1. The faculty of reasoning. 2. The process or act of thinking. 3. The result of thinking.


(thawt) 1. The faculty of reasoning. 2. The process or act of thinking. 3. The result of thinking.

Patient discussion about thought

Q. Could anyone share your thought about this medicine? hi all…my son is suffering from ADHD for the past 3 years. He is currently on Adderall and is not able to tolerate it effectively. When I shared this with the doctor, he has prescribed him Strattera. To my knowledge it works more for kids with ADD than those with ADHD…..Could anyone share your thought about this medicine...Please……A. I have no idea about Strattera, I am ADHD and I take Adderall. It worked well for me but I got severe side effects with Ritalin. I have found that Adderall has fewer side effects and is safe. Adderall is a stimulant drug and Strattera is a non-stimulant drug used in the treatment of ADHD in adults and children over 6. I have also read a critic in a medical journal that Strattera could develop suicidal thoughts in patients. Hey! Don’t from your own conclusions. Doctor is an individual who possess the required qualifications and knowledge to give the kind of treatment. Do consult with your doctor for any of your doubts.

Q. Is it normal for someone with untreated Adult ADHD to have constant, worried thoughts? As a child I was diagnosed with "off the charts" ADHD and took medication which fixed the problem for about 7 years. I ended the medication in junior high and now I am in college. I am no having constant worried thoughts and my mind is always racing. I think this may be the ADHD back now as an adult, would this make sense?A. Attention Def is often goes hand in hand with Depression. Depression is often missed in diagnosis because the person suggests that they are not sad and don't cry often. Depression might better be described as a feeling of emotional heavyness or pressure without a real reason. This feeling of emotional heavyness is awful and people will try to find reasons to explain why they feel this way so that they can do something about it. Generally, if a person makes a decision about something, such as paying a bill, this heavyness will lift for a while and the person can move on to another thought. When a person is depressed this heavyness is lifted but only for a very short period of time, sometimes only for a few seconds, and the person cannot move on to a new thought. Instead, the tendency is to rethink the same thought over and over to get, although short lived, a bit of emotional releif.

Q. Any advice and thoughts you have about dieting & exercise I'd love to know. Thanks………….. After having tried with so many diets I loved the nutri- system diet. But it’s too expensive. I want to have an easy and fun diet that would work for me and actually I love to eat healthy. If you guys had any success with such a diet, please share with me. Any advice and thoughts you have about dieting & exercise I'd love to know. Thanks…………..A. Make sure to have lots of fruits, vegetables, less of meat, exercise and lots of water especially every morning. Make sure you’re always hydrated. It's the best. Eliminate all soda or soft drinks and those sweet candies and please balance out your meals.

More discussions about thought


Related to Thought: Thought disorder

THOUGHT. The operation of the mind. No one can be punished for his mere thoughts however wicked they may be. Human laws cannot reach them, first, because they are unknown; and, secondly, unless made manifest by some action, they are not injurious to any one; but when they manifest themselves, then the act, which is the consequence, may be punished. Dig. 50 16, 225.


Related to thought: Thought disorder
  • noun

Synonyms for thought

noun thinking


  • thinking
  • consideration
  • reflection
  • deliberation
  • regard
  • musing
  • meditation
  • contemplation
  • introspection
  • rumination
  • navel-gazing
  • cogitation
  • brainwork
  • cerebration

noun opinion


  • opinion
  • view
  • belief
  • idea
  • thinking
  • concept
  • conclusion
  • assessment
  • notion
  • conviction
  • judgment
  • conception
  • conjecture
  • estimation

noun consideration


  • consideration
  • study
  • attention
  • care
  • regard
  • scrutiny
  • heed

noun intention


  • intention
  • plan
  • idea
  • design
  • aim
  • purpose
  • object
  • notion

noun hope


  • hope
  • expectation
  • dream
  • prospect
  • aspiration
  • anticipation

noun concern


  • concern
  • care
  • regard
  • anxiety
  • sympathy
  • compassion
  • thoughtfulness
  • solicitude
  • attentiveness

Synonyms for thought

noun the act or process of thinking


  • brainwork
  • cerebration
  • cogitation
  • contemplation
  • deliberation
  • excogitation
  • meditation
  • reflection
  • rumination
  • speculation

noun that which exists in the mind as the product of careful mental activity


  • concept
  • conception
  • idea
  • image
  • notion
  • perception

Synonyms for thought

noun the content of cognition


  • idea

Related Words

  • cognitive content
  • mental object
  • content
  • inspiration
  • cogitation
  • concept
  • conception
  • construct
  • preoccupation
  • misconception
  • plan
  • program
  • programme
  • figment
  • generalisation
  • generality
  • generalization
  • suggestion
  • impression
  • notion
  • belief
  • feeling
  • opinion
  • reaction
  • theorem
  • whimsey
  • whimsy
  • whim
  • meaning
  • substance
  • burden
  • theme
  • motif
  • ideal
  • idealisation
  • idealization
  • keynote
  • kink

noun the process of using your mind to consider something carefully


  • cerebration
  • intellection
  • mentation
  • thinking
  • thought process

Related Words

  • higher cognitive process
  • free association
  • mental synthesis
  • construction
  • abstract thought
  • logical thinking
  • reasoning
  • line of thought
  • train of thought
  • thread
  • mysticism
  • ideation
  • consideration
  • excogitation
  • explanation
  • planning
  • preparation
  • provision
  • problem solving
  • convergent thinking
  • divergent thinking
  • out-of-the-box thinking

noun the organized beliefs of a period or group or individual

Related Words

  • belief
  • mainstream

noun a personal belief or judgment that is not founded on proof or certainty


  • opinion
  • persuasion
  • sentiment
  • view

Related Words

  • idea
  • judgment
  • judgement
  • mind
  • belief
  • eyes
  • parti pris
  • preconceived idea
  • preconceived notion
  • preconceived opinion
  • preconception
  • prepossession
  • pole
  • political sympathies
  • politics




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