

单词 tabs


tab 1

T0001100 (tăb)n.1. A projection, flap, or short strip attached to an object to facilitate opening, handling, or identification.2. A small, usually decorative flap or tongue on a garment.3. A small auxiliary airfoil that is attached to a larger one and that helps stabilize an aircraft.4. A pull-tab.tr.v. tabbed, tab·bing, tabs To supply with a tab or tabs.
[Origin unknown.]

tab 2

T0001100 (tăb)n.1. Informal a. A bill or check, such as one for a meal in a restaurant.b. Cost; price: The tab for upgrading the computers would be high.2. A tabulator on a typewriter.3. Computers a. A key on a computer keyboard that, when pressed, inserts a special ASCII character used for formatting text, as in indenting a line or block of text.b. This special ASCII character.intr.v. tabbed, tab·bing, tabs To press the tab on a typewriter or computer keyboard: Tab over to the next column.Idiom: keep tabs on Informal To observe carefully over time: Let's keep tabs on expenditures.
[Short for tablet or tabulation. Sense 2, short for tabulator.]

tab 3

T0001100 (tăb) Informal n. A tabloid.


Tableau curtains, originally used to disclose a tableau, now usually as house tabs for a front curtain.




pieces of colored material sewn on collars of greatcoats, overcoats, jackets, and tunics of servicemen to designate the combat arm or branch.

In the Soviet armed forces, marshals of the Soviet Union wear red tabs; motorized rifle troops wear red tabs; artillery, tank, engineer, and signal troops wear black tabs (generals of the engineer, signal, and technical troops wear crimson tabs); air force and airborne landing troops wear sky blue tabs; and personnel in the quartermaster, medical, veterinary, and legal branches wear crimson tabs.



Yorkshire dialect for ears.



See: Tax anticipation bill


TABSTotally Accurate Battle Simulator (gaming)
TABSTennessee Animal Biogeographic System
TABSThe Association of Boarding Schools
TABSTelemetry Asynchronous Block Serial
TABSTexas Automated Buoy System (offshore weather and ocean conditions)
TABSTemperament and Atypical Behavior Scale
TABSTelephone Accounting and Billing System (call accounting software)
TABSTeen Age Bible Study
TABSTelevision Advertising Bureau (Surveys) Ltd.
TABSTerminal Administration and Billing System
TABSTechnical and Business Services




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