Tabrizi Ahmad Kasravi
Kasravi, Tabrizi Ahmad
Born Sept. 30, 1890, in Tabriz; died Mar. 11, 1946, in Tehran. Iranian historian and publicist.
Kasravi was a lawyer by profession. He wrote on the history of the Iranian Revolution of 1905–11 and on Iranian history from the tenth to the 16th century. He also wrote about Islam. Kasravi expressed the interests of the Iranian petite bourgeoisie. His works advanced the idea of people’s sovereignty. He envisioned a future society consisting of small-scale property owners.
Tarikh-e mashruteh-ye Iran (History of the Constitution of Iran), 5th ed. Tehran, 1962.REFERENCES
Aliev, S. M. “Obshchestvennaia i publitsisticheskaia deiatel’nost’ A. K. Tebrizi v 1932–1946 godakh.” Izv. AN Azerbaidzhanskoi SSR: Seriia obshchestvennykh nauk. 1958, no. 6.Shariari, P., and M. Nimat Allah. Nikkhvahan-i Tudah, vol. 1:Ahmad
Kasravi Tabrizi (Friend of the People, vol. 1: Ahmad Kasravi Tabrizi). Tehran, 1947.