Radio and Recording Studio

Radio and Recording Studio


in the USSR, an artistic and commercial enterprise engaged in broadcasting and

Table 1. Concentration of radioactive substances (in units of 10–12 curie/liter)
Water source40K226Ra222Rn238U
Subterranean water ................4(up to 26)up to 2002.4 (up to 40)
Springs and streams................up to 140up to 3 × 104up to 4
River water .....................80.2 (up to 8)0.2–0.30.2 (up to 20)
Lake water......................131 (up to 8)3
Seawater.......................3000.08 (up to 45)0.7

sound recording of all types, the distribution of recorded tapes, and the preservation and restoration of unique sound recordings. A radio and recording studio includes editorial offices, individual studios, recording libraries, and equipment and installation services. These departments create, record, monitor, and amplify radio broadcasting programs and transmit the programs to radio broadcasting stations and wired-broadcasting centers. As of Jan. 1, 1975, there were 177 radio and recording studios in the USSR. The all-Union center of radio broadcasting and sound-recording production is the State House of Broadcasting and Sound Recording in Moscow.