

单词 sporadic



S0662400 (spə-răd′ĭk, spô-)adj.1. Occurring at irregular intervals or in isolated or scattered places; having no pattern or order: his sporadic attendance in class; rebels who put up sporadic resistance. See Synonyms at periodic.2. Medicine Not epidemic, endemic, or inherited. Used of a disease or condition: Most cancers are sporadic, caused by genetic mutations that are not heritable.
[Medieval Latin sporadicus, scattered, from Greek sporadikos, from sporas, sporad-; see sper- in Indo-European roots.]
spo·rad′i·cal·ly adv.spo·rad′i·cal·ness n.


(spəˈrædɪk) or


adj1. occurring at irregular points in time; intermittent: sporadic firing. 2. scattered; isolated: a sporadic disease. [C17: from Medieval Latin sporadicus, from Greek sporadikos, from sporas scattered; related to Greek speirein to sow; see spore] spoˈradically adv spoˈradicalness n


(spəˈræd ɪk)

adj. 1. appearing or happening at irregular intervals in time; occasional. 2. appearing in scattered or isolated instances. [1680–90; < Medieval Latin sporadicus < Greek sporadikós <sporad- (s. of sporás strewn, akin to sporá spore)] spo•rad′i•cal•ly, adv.
Adj.1.sporadic - recurring in scattered and irregular or unpredictable instances; "a city subjected to sporadic bombing raids"noncontinuous, discontinuous - not continuing without interruption in time or space; "discontinuous applause"; "the landscape was a discontinuous mosaic of fields and forest areas"; "he received a somewhat haphazard and discontinuous schooling"infrequent - not frequent; not occurring regularly or at short intervals; "infrequent outbursts of temper"continual - occurring without interruption; chiefly restricted to what recurs regularly or frequently in a prolonged and closely spaced series; "the continual banging of the shutters"


adjective intermittent, occasional, scattered, isolated, random, on and off, irregular, infrequent, spasmodic The sound of sporadic shooting could still be heard.
regular, steady, consistent, frequent, systematic, recurrent


adjective1. Happening or appearing now and then:fitful, intermittent, occasional, periodic, periodical.Informal: on-again, off-again.2. Rarely occurring or appearing:infrequent, occasional, rare, scarce, uncommon, unusual.Idiom: few and far between.




occurring occasionally. In medicine, the term “sporadic” characterizes illnesses not associated with an epidemic (for example, sporadic cases of influenza) or with an endemic (for example, sporadic goiter).



 [spŏ-rad´ik] occurring singly; widely scattered; not epidemic or endemic.


(spō-rad'ik), 1. Denoting a temporal pattern of disease occurrence in an animal or human population in which the disease occurs only rarely and without regularity. 2. In the genetic context, sporadic denotes a singleton or sport. Several quite different and disparate phenomena are covered by this term, including a new mutation; occult nonpaternity; the chance outcome for a recessive trait in two carrier parents with a small family; extreme variability in the expression of a gene; an environmental phenocopy; a multilocal genocopy, etc. No useful properties can be predicated of all members of this class; and the term is notionally useless. 3. Occurring irregularly, haphazardly. [G. sporadikos, scattered]


(spə-răd′ĭk, spô-)adj.1. Occurring at irregular intervals or in isolated or scattered places; having no pattern or order: his sporadic attendance in class; rebels who put up sporadic resistance.2. Medicine Not epidemic, endemic, or inherited. Used of a disease or condition: Most cancers are sporadic, caused by genetic mutations that are not heritable.
spo·rad′i·cal·ly adv.spo·rad′i·cal·ness n.


Epidemiology adjective Referring to a noninherited condition that arises rarely in a particular population Genetics adjective Referring to an event attributable to changes in somatic DNA, which may be inherited, but unpredictably


(spōr-ad'ik) 1. Denoting a temporal pattern of disease occurrence in an animal or human population in which the disease occurs only rarely and without regularity.
See also: endemic, epidemic, epizootic
2. Occurring irregularly, haphazardly. [G. sporadikos, scattered]


having a distribution confined to limited and dispersed localities; scattered.


Occurring at random or by chance, and not as a result of a genetically determined, or inherited, trait.Mentioned in: Cerebral Amyloid Angiopathy, Gastrinoma, Ichthyosis


(spōr-ad'ik) 1. Denoting temporal pattern of disease occurrence in which the disease occurs only rarely and without regularity. 2. Occurring irregularly, haphazardly. [G. sporadikos, scattered]


Related to sporadic: sporadic disease, sporadic fatal insomnia
  • adj

Synonyms for sporadic

adj intermittent


  • intermittent
  • occasional
  • scattered
  • isolated
  • random
  • on and off
  • irregular
  • infrequent
  • spasmodic


  • regular
  • steady
  • consistent
  • frequent
  • systematic
  • recurrent

Synonyms for sporadic

adj happening or appearing now and then


  • fitful
  • intermittent
  • occasional
  • periodic
  • periodical
  • on-again, off-again

adj rarely occurring or appearing


  • infrequent
  • occasional
  • rare
  • scarce
  • uncommon
  • unusual

Antonyms for sporadic

adj recurring in scattered and irregular or unpredictable instances

Related Words

  • noncontinuous
  • discontinuous
  • infrequent


  • continual




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