Porter-Silber chromogens

Por·ter-Sil·ber chro·mo·gens

(pōr'tĕr sil'bĕr), yellow phenylhydrazones formed by the reaction of 17,21-dihydroxy-20-oxosteroids with a phenylhydrazine-ethanol-sulfuric acid reagent; used chiefly to determine plasma cortisol concentrations and the urinary output of 17-hydroxycorticoids.


Curt C., U.S. biochemist, 1914–. Porter-Silber chromogens - used chiefly to determine plasma cortisol concentrations and the urinary output of 17-hydroxycorticoids.Porter-Silber chromogens test - a urine test used as a measure of adrenocortical function. Synonym(s): 17-hydroxycorticosteroid testPorter-Silber reaction - the basis of the 17-hydroxycorticosteroid test.


Robert H., U.S. biochemist, 1915–. Porter-Silber chromogens - see under Porter, Curt CPorter-Silber chromogens test - see under Porter, Curt CPorter-Silber reaction - see under Porter, Curt C