radicular fila

ra·dic·u·lar fi·'la

the small, individual fiber fascicles into which the roots of all spinal nerves and several cranial nerves (hypoglossus, vagus, and oculomotorius) divide in fanlike fashion before entering or leaving the spinal cord or brainstem; the spinal dorsal root may divide into 8-12 such rootlets. Synonym(s): root filaments

ra·dic·u·lar fi·la

(ră-dik'yū-lăr fī'lă) The small, individual fiber fascicles into which the roots of all the spinal nerves and several cranial nerves (hypoglossus, vagus, oculomotorius) divide in fanlike pattern before entering or leaving the spinal cord or brainstem; the spinal dorsal root may divide into 8-12 such rootlets.