Sky Color

Sky Color

  1. The colors hanging suspended in midair like huge, floating ostrich plumes —Paul Kuttner
  2. The edges of the sky had a yellowish tinge like cheap paper darkening in the sunlight —Ross Macdonald
  3. Pale blue sky like some Stuka dive-bomber —Donald Seaman
  4. A redness in the sky, like the flame at the back of a vast baker’s oven —Saul Bellow
  5. Skies are gray as tarn —Richard Ford
  6. Sky blue as winter milk —Joyce Cary
  7. The sky changed through several colors and became a soft crumbled gray. It was like walking under the roof of an enormous cave where hidden fires burned low —Ross Macdonald
  8. Sky [at dusk] … green as unripe apples —Erich Maria Remarque
  9. The sky is gilded with red, as if intoxicated —Cora Sandel
  10. Sky … like terra cotta —Saul Bellow
  11. Sky so pale blue and clear as a baby’s eye —Joyce Cary
  12. Sky the color of oiled steel —T. Coraghessan Boyle
  13. The sky was a dome of gray, stretched evenly like parachute silk at full billow —Lael Tucker Wertenbaker
  14. The sky was gray as a battleship —Mike Fredman
  15. The sky was hard blue, like bright ink —James Stern
  16. The sky was the color of dishwater —T. Coraghessan Boyle
  17. The sky was yellow as brass —Erich Maria Remarque