Skvortsov, Mikhail

Skvortsov, Mikhail Aleksandrovich


Born Sept. 20 (Oct. 2), 1876, in Moscow; died there Mar. 8, 1963. Soviet pathologicoanatomist. Academician of the Academy of Medical Sciences of the USSR (1945). Founder of the science dealing with the pathological anatomy of childhood diseases.

Skvortsov graduated from the medical faculty of Moscow University in 1899. He was a prosector at the Morozov Hospital (today the Moscow Clinical Children’s Hospital No. 1) from 1911 to 1953. Simultaneously, he was a professor at the Second Moscow Medical Institute from 1939 and the First Moscow Medical Institute from 1942 to 1947. In 1945, Skvortsov joined the staff of the Academy of Medical Sciences of the USSR, where he worked in various institutes, including the institute of normal and pathological morphology and the institute of pediatrics.

Skvortsov reinterpreted the allergic pathology of blood vessels during early childhood, demonstrated the significance of inflammatory myocardial nonspecific reactions during rheumatic fever, and developed in detail the pathological anatomy of umbilical sepsis. He established a unique museum of macro-specimens and microspecimens relating to different fields of child pathology.

Skvortsov received the First Prize of the International League Against Rheumatism in 1938 for his work on rheumatic fever. He was a warded the Order of Lenin, the Order of the Red Banner of Labor, and various medals.


Ocherk patologicheskoi anatomii detskikh infektsionnykh boleznei. [Moscow] 1925.
Patologicheskaia anatomiia vazhneishikh zabolevanii detskogo vozrasta, 4th ed. Moscow, 1946.


Avtsyn, A. P., and V. M. Afanas’eva. “Osnovopolozhnik patologiche-skoi anatomii boleznei detskogo vozrasta M. A. Skvortsov.” Arkhiv patologii, 1956, vol. 18, no. 7.
“M. A. Skvortsov” (obituary). Pediatriia, 1963, no. 6.