portal hypophysial circulation

por·tal hy·po·phy·si·al cir·cu·la·tion

a capillary network that carries hypophysiotropic hormones from the hypothalamus, where they are secreted into blood, to their sites of action in the anterior hypophysis. See: portal circulation, pituitary gland, hypothalamus. Synonym(s): hypophyseoportal system, hypophysial portal circulation, hypophysial portal system, hypophysioportal system, hypothalamohypophysial portal circulation, hypothalamohypophysial portal system (1)

por·tal hy·po·phy·si·al cir·cu·la·tion

(pōr'tăl hī'pō-fiz'ē-ăl sĭr'kyū-lā'shŭn) A capillary network that carries hormones from the hypothalamus to their sites of action in the anterior hypophysis.
See also: portal circulation, hypophysis, hypothalamus
Synonym(s): hypothalamohypophysial portal system.