Secretary of embassy or of legation

SECRETARY OF EMBASSY or OF LEGATION. An officer appointed by the sovereign power, to accompany a minister of first or second rank, and sometimes, though not often, of an inferior rank. He is, in fact, a species of public minister; for independently of his protection as attached to an ambassador's suite, be enjoys, in his own rights, the same protection of the law of nations, and the same immunities as an ambassador. But private secretaries of a minister must Dot be confounded with secretaries of embassy or of legation. Such private secretaries are entitled to protection only as belonging to the suite of the ambassador.
2. The functions of a secretary of legation consist in his employment by his minister for objects of ceremony; in making verbal reports to the secretary of state, or other foreign ministers; in taking care of the archives of the mission; in ciphering and deciphering despatches; in sometimes making rough draughts of the notes or letters which the minister writes to his colleagues or to the local authorities; in drawup proces verbaux; in presenting passports to the minister for his signature, and delivering them to the persons for whom they are intended; and, finally, in assisting the minister, under whom be is placed, in everything concerning the affairs of the mission. In the absence of the minister he is admitted to conferences and to present notes signed by the minister. Vide Ambassador; Minister; Suite.