Skulachev, Vladimir
Skulachev, Vladimir Petrovich
Born Feb. 21, 1935, in Moscow. Soviet biochemist. Corresponding member of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR (1974).
Skulachev graduated from Moscow State University in 1957 and in 1960 joined the staff of the university. He was head of the department of bioenergetics of the interdepartmental laboratory of bioorganic chemistry from 1965 to 1973, and in 1973 he was appointed head of the laboratory itself.
Skulachev’s principal works deal with the mechanisms of biological oxidation, including the transformation of chemical energy into electrical energy on mitochondrial membranes and the role of the membrane potential as a factor that coordinates the release and accumulation of energy in the cell. Skulachev has written many works on oxidative phosphorylation and the conditions of the dissociation of oxidation and phosphorylation.
Skulachev received the State Prize of the USSR in 1975, the Lenin Komsomol Prize in science and technology in 1967, and the A. N. Bakh Prize of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR in 1972.
Akkumuliatsiia energii ν kletke. Moscow, 1969.Transformatsiia energii ν biomembranakh. Moscow, 1972.
“Mekhanizm okislitel’nogo fosforilirovaniia i nekotorye obshchie printsipy bioenergetiki.” Uspekhi sovremennoi biologii, 1974, vol. 77, issue 2.
“Energy Transformation in the Respiratory Chain.” Current Topics in Bioenergetics, 1971, vol. 4.