a Russian publishing house operating in Moscow from 1900 to 1916 and owned by S. A. Poliakov (1874–1948). V. Ia. Briusov played a leading role in the work of Skorpion. Skorpion was the first publishing house in Russia to print works by the Western European modernist writers as well as books by such Russian symbolists as K. D. Bal’mont, Briusov, J. K. Baltrušaitis, A. Belyi, A. A. Blok, Viach, Ivanov, Z. N. Hippius, and M. A. Kuzmin. From 1904 to 1909, it published the journal Vesy (The Scales), and from 1901 to 1904 and in 1911 it published five fascicles of the almanac Northern Flowers. Much attention was devoted to designing the books published by Skorpion; the artists associated with the journal Mir iskusstva (World of Art) were primarily responsible for this work.