释义 |
paleo-(word root) ancient, oldExamples of words with the root paleo-: paleobotanypaleo- or pale- or palaeo- or palae-pref.1. Ancient; prehistoric; old: paleobotany.2. Early; primitive: Paleozoic. [Greek palaio-, from palaios, ancient, from palai, long ago; see kwel- in Indo-European roots.]paleo- or before a vowel pale-combining form variants (esp US) of palaeo-paleo- a combining form meaning “old” or “ancient,” used esp. in reference to former geologic time periods: paleobotany. Also, pale-,esp. Brit.,palae-, palaeo-.[< Greek palaio-, comb. form of palaiós]paleo-1. A prefix that means:2. Prehistoric, as in Paleocene.3. Early or primitive, as in Paleolithic.Translations EncyclopediaSeepalaeo-paleo-
paleo- , pale-Old, primitive, primary, early. [G. palaios, old, ancient] paleo- , pale-Combining forms meaning old, primordial, primary, early. [G. palaios, old, ancient] |