


(from Greek palaia diatheke, literally “Old Testament”), an Old Russian literary work modeled on a ninth-century Byzantine book recounting events from the Old Testament. The Paleia istoricheskaia (Historical Paleia), a translation of the Byzantine original, is an abridged account of biblical history supplemented with apocryphal tales. The Paleia tolkovaia (Explanatory Paleia), written in Rus’ in the 13th century, polemi-cizes against the Jewish and Muslim religions.


Paleia tolkovaia po spisku sdelannomu vg. Kolomne v 1406g., issues 1–2. Moscow, 1892–96.


Istrin, V. M. “Zamechaniia o sostave Tolkovoi Palei.” Izv. ORIAS AN, 1897, vol. 2, books 1, 4; 1898, vol. 3, book 2.
Speranskii, M. N. Iz istorii russko-slavianskikh literaturnykh sviazei. Moscow, 1960. Pages 104–47.