Roa Bastos, Augusto

Roa Bastos, Augusto


Born 1917. Paraguayan writer.

Roa Bastos took part in the movement against Morinigo’s dictatorship, which lasted from 1940 to 1948. Since 1947 he has lived abroad as an émigré. He began his career as a poet, but his important works are in prose. Examples are the short-story collection Thunder Amidst the Foliage (1953) and the novel The Son of Man (1960; Russian translation, 1967), which is an outstanding work of Latin-American prose. The novel interweaves his-toricism and mythmaking in its portrayal of Paraguay over a period of several decades. Roa Bastos is also a literary critic.


El baldío. Buenos Aires [1966].
Los pies sobre el agua. [Buenos Aires, 1967.]
Moriencia. [Caracas] 1969.


Mamontov, S. P. Ispanoiazychnaia literatura stran Latinskoi Ameriki ν XX veke. Moscow, 1972.
Kuteishchikova, V. “Kontinent, gde vstrechaiutsia vse epokhi.” Voprosy literatury, 1972, NO. 4.
Bareiro, R. Roa Bastos y la nueva narrativa paraguaya: Actual narrativa latinoamericana. [Havana, 1970.]