释义 |
palatoglossus pal·a·to·glos·sus (mus·cle) [TA] palatine muscle that forms anterior pillar of tonsillar fossa; origin, oral surface of soft palate; insertion, side of tongue; action, raises back of tongue and narrows fauces; nerve supply, pharyngeal plexus (cranial root of accessory nerve). Synonym(s): musculus palatoglossus [TA], glossopalatinus, musculus glossopalatinus, palatoglossuspalatoglossus (păl″ă-tō-glŏs′ŭs) [″ + Gr. glossa, tongue] The muscle arising from the sides and undersurface of the tongue. Fibers pass upward through glossopalatine arch and are inserted in palatine aponeurosis. It constricts the faucial isthmus by raising the root of the tongue and drawing the sides of the soft palate downward. |