
skip·per 1

S0454200 (skĭp′ər)n.1. Nautical The master of a ship.2. A coach, director, or other skip·pered, skip·per·ing, skip·pers To act as the skipper of.
[Middle English, from Middle Dutch, from scip, ship.]

skip·per 2

S0454200 (skĭp′ər)n.1. One that skips.2. Any of numerous butterflies of the families Hesperiidae and Megathymidae, having a hairy mothlike body, hooked tips on the antennae, and a darting flight pattern.3. Any of several marine fishes that often leap above water, especially a saury.


(ˈskɪpərɪŋ) nslang the practice of sleeping rough[C20: of unknown origin]