

P0017500 (pə-jä′mə, -jăm′ə) n. often pajamas 1. A garment, usually consisting of loose-fitting pants and a shirt or top, worn for sleeping or lounging. 2. A pair of loose-fitting pants worn in South and Southeast Asia by men and women.
[Hindi pāyjāmā, pājāmā and Urdu pāyjāma, pājāma, loose-fitting trousers, from Persian pāyjāma, pājāma : pāy, , foot, leg (from Middle Persian pāy, foot; see ped- in the Appendix of Indo-European roots) + jāma, garment (from Middle Persian ǰāmag; akin to Greek zōma, loincloth, girdle, and Lithuanian juosti, to gird).]


(pəˈdʒɑːməz) pl n (Clothing & Fashion) the US spelling of pyjamas


(pəˈdʒɑ məz, -ˈdʒæm əz)

n. (used with a pl. v.) 1. nightclothes consisting of loose-fitting trousers and a jacket. 2. loose trousers of silk, cotton, etc., orig. worn in India and parts of the Middle East. Also, esp. Brit., pyjamas. [1870–75; pl. of pajama < Hindi, variant of pāyjāma < Persian pāy leg + jāma garment] pa•ja′maed, adj.


(American) pajamas (pəˈdʒaːməz) noun plural a suit for sleeping, consisting of trousers and a jacket. two pairs of pyjamas. 睡衣 睡衣