Artaxerxes Deed
Artaxerxes’ Deed
the first play staged at the Russian court theater. It was performed Oct. 17, 1672, at the House of Comedy in the village of Preobrazhenskoe (which today is a part of Moscow), staged by the German pastor I. G. Gregory. Although Artaxerxes’ Deed was written on a biblical topic, it is social and worldly in nature. The play is written mainly in syllabic verse.
Artakserksovo deistvo: Pervaia p’esa russkogo teatra XVII v. Introduction and commentaries by I. M. Kudriavtsev. Moscow-Leningrad, 1957.Mazon, A. A. “ ’Artakserksovo deistvo’ i repertuar pastora Greg-gori.” Trudy Otdela drevnerusskoi literatury, 1958, vol. 14.