
tense 1

T0107900 (tĕns)adj. tens·er, tens·est 1. Tightly stretched; taut. See Synonyms at stiff, tight.2. a. In a state of nervous tension or mental strain: was very tense before the exam.b. Causing or characterized by nervous tension or mental strain: a tense standoff between border patrols.3. Linguistics Enunciated with taut muscles, as the sound (ē) in keen.tr. & intr.v. tensed, tens·ing, tens·es To make or become tense.
[Latin tēnsus, past participle of tendere, to stretch; see ten- in Indo-European roots.]
tense′ly adv.tense′ness n.

tense 2

T0107900 (tĕns)n. Grammar 1. A property of verbs in which the time of the action or state, as well as its continuance or completion, is indicated or expressed.2. A category or set of verb forms that indicate or express the time, such as past, present, or future, of the action or state.
[Middle English tens, from Old French, time, from Latin tempus.]
Adv.1.tensely - in a tense manner; "he sat down tensely"


(tens) adjective1. strained; nervous. The crowd was tense with excitement; a tense situation. 緊張的 紧张的2. tight; tightly stretched. 拉緊的 拉紧的 verb to make or become tense. He tensed his muscles. 拉緊 拉紧ˈtensely adverb 緊張地 紧张地ˈtenseness noun 緊張 紧张ˈtension (-ʃən) noun1. the state of being stretched, or the degree to which something is stretched. the tension of the rope. 拉緊 拉紧2. mental strain; anxiety. She is suffering from nervous tension; the tensions of modern life. 緊張 紧张