

单词 rmt



abbreviation for (Industrial Relations & HR Terms) National Union of Rail, Maritime and Transport Workers



 right mentotransverse (position of the fetus).


Abbreviation for right mentotransverse position.


1. Registered Massage Therapist.2. Renal mesenchymal tumor.


RMTRocky Mount (Amtrak station code; Rocky Mount, NC)
RMTReliable Multicast Transport (IETF)
RMTRegistered Massage Therapist
RMTResistant Materials Technology (course)
RMTResource Management Tool
RMTRegistered Medical Technologist
RMTRobbins-Madanes Training (Ashland, OR)
RMTReal-Money Trading
RMTReiki Master Teacher (alternative health)
RMTRemote Management
RMTReal Money Transaction
RMTRisk Management Technology
RMTRoute Management Tool
RMTRisk Management Toolkit
RMTRemote Magnetic Tape
RMTReview of Maritime Transport (UN Conference on Trade and Development)
RMTRégiment de Marche du Tchad (French: Ad Hoc Regiment of Chad; French Army)
RMTNational Union of Rail, Maritime and Transport Workers (UK)
RMTRunning Meter
RMTRotational Movement Training (exercise)
RMTReverse Morris Trust (merger)
RMTRegistered Medical Transcriptionist (American Association for Medical Transcription)
RMTRegistered Music Teacher (Canada)
RMTRemote Monitoring Technologies
RMTRequirements, Management and Traceability (various organizations)
RMTRisk Management Technologies
RMTRequired Monthly Test
RMTRandom Matrix Theory
RMTRegistered Music Therapist
RMTRapid Mastitis Test (farm animals)
RMTRecognition Memory Test
RMTRelative Migration Time (measurement)
RMTReal Money Transfer (role playing games)
RMTRaw Magnetic Tape
RMTRing Management (FDDI, IBM)
RMTRisk Management Team
RMTRéseaux Mixtes Technologiques (French: Mixed Technology Network; agricultural science)
RMTReliability, Maintainability, Testability
RMTReported Married to (Quaker religion)
RMTRadiological Monitoring Team (US FEMA)
RMTRadiomagnetotelluric (Method, Measurements)
RMTRomanian Metal Torrents
RMTRoyal Milk Tea
RMTRulemaking Terms (EU)
RMTReservoir Management Team (various locations)
RMTRail, Maritime and Transportation Union
RMTRate My Teachers.com
RMTResource Management Team
RMTRear Transition Module (ATCA standard)
RMTRasch Measurement Transaction (education)
RMTRhythmic Movement Training
RMTRegistre Morphologique des Tumeurs au Grand-Duché de Luxembourg
RMTRemedial Military Training
RMTReverse Mold Technology (L.A. Spas)
RMTRigid Muffin-Tin
RMTRocky Mountain Twist (Rocky Mountain Tool)
RMTRock Mechanics Technology Limited (UK)
RMTReturn Material Tag (authorization reference number used when returning goods to the manufacturer)
RMTRouting of Multi-rate Traffic
RMTRemote Management Testing (Ciena)
RMTRectangle Mid-Water Trawl (marine science research)
RMTReed-Muller Transform
RMTRecords Management Taskforce (Australian Computer Society)
RMTRosboro Manufactured Timber
RMTRocky Mountain Taxidermy (Alpine, WY)
RMTRehab Management Toolkit (Medical Information Management Systems, LLC)
RMTRocky Mountain Transit




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