

单词 rmp



 right mentoposterior (position of the fetus).


Abbreviation for right mentoposterior position.


RMPRisk Management Program
RMPRate My Professors (website)
RMPResource Management Plan
RMPRisk Management Plan
RMPRisk Management Professional
RMPRoyal Military Police (UK)
RMPRocky Mountain Power (various locations)
RMPResource Management Project (various locations)
RMPReference Measurement Procedure (measurement)
RMPReliable Multicast Protocol
RMPRoam Preference
RMPReceive Message Pointer
RMPRemote Method Protocol
RMPRealplayer Metadata Package
RMPReal Magic Mpeg
RMPRing Melody Playback
RMPReal Music Package
RMPResearcher'S Mobility Portal
RMPRealtime Multimedia Processing
RMPReceive Memory Pointer
RMPReal Media Player
RMPRefiner Mechanical Pulp (paper production)
RMPReviews of Modern Physics (from the American Physical Society)
RMPResting Membrane Potential
RMPRegional Monitoring Program
RMPRegistered Medical Practitioner
RMPRadar Modernization Program
RMPRoyal Malaysian Police
RMPResidential Management Professional
RMPResidue Monitoring Plan (food safety)
RMPRural Maintenance Program (Bangladesh)
RMPResearch Methods Programme (UK)
RMPRandom Match Probability
RMPRadio Motor Patrol
RMPRim Protein
RMPRecognized Maritime Picture
RMPRemote Medical Practitioner
RMPReprogrammable Microprocessor
RMPResidential Mixed Paper (pulp and paper industry)
RMPRhind Mathematical Papyrus
RMPRobert Mann Packaging, Inc. (Oceanside, CA)
RMPRadio Management Panel
RMPrec.music.phish (Usenet newsgroup)
RMPRemote Maintenance Processor
RMPRemote Management Processor (Agilent)
RMPRegional Minerals Program (Australia)
RMPResident Matching Program (ASHP)
RMPRemote Maintenance Protocol
RMPRecords Management Plan
RMPRepublican Moderate Party
RMPRussian Massage Parlor
RMPRadio Mobile Patrol (Police Car NYPD)
RMPRoomMate Productions (Independent Film Production Company)
RMPRobert Moses Parkway (Buffalo, NY area)
RMPRadio Mille Pattes (French radio station)
RMPRoyal Mounted Police (Canada)
RMPRegistered Master Plumber
RMPRegression-Based Model Prediction
RMPReliable Multicasting Protocol
RMPRequirement Management Plan
RMPRéglementation des Marchés de Produits (French: Product Market Regulation)
RMPReversible Motor Pump
RMPRemote Maintenance Panel
RMPRate Measuring Package
RMPRapid Models and Prototypes Inc
RMPResource Money Power
RMPReserve Management Period (paid administrative time blocks of 4 hours for Navy Reserve duty)
RMPRandom Mod Players (gaming)
RMPRaster Map Product
RMPRobotic Mobility Program (Segway Personal Transporters)
RMPRelay, Manual, Prompt
RMPResonant Model Potential
RMPReceive Message Processor
RMPRogue, Mage and Priest (gaming)
RMPReadiness Manning Period
RMPRelativistic Model Potential
RMPRadio Móvil Privada (Spanish: Private Mobile Radio)
RMPRotational Meshing Plates (snowboard and snowboard binding interface)
RMPRolled Metal Products, Inc.
RMPRecurring Maintenance Program
RMPReentry Measurement Program
RMPRocket Motor Plume
RMPRapid Message Processor
RMPRelay Motor Protection
RMPRestructure Marine Products, LLC (Carson, CA)
RMPReference Model Parameter
RMPRochdale Motor Panels (UK)
RMPRight-of-Way Management Program (Phoenix, AZ)
RMPRed Mud Plastics (polymer)




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