Acronym | Definition |
RMP➣Risk Management Program |
RMP➣Rate My Professors (website) |
RMP➣Resource Management Plan |
RMP➣Risk Management Plan |
RMP➣Risk Management Professional |
RMP➣Royal Military Police (UK) |
RMP➣Rocky Mountain Power (various locations) |
RMP➣Resource Management Project (various locations) |
RMP➣Reference Measurement Procedure (measurement) |
RMP➣Reliable Multicast Protocol |
RMP➣Roam Preference |
RMP➣Receive Message Pointer |
RMP➣Remote Method Protocol |
RMP➣Realplayer Metadata Package |
RMP➣Real Magic Mpeg |
RMP➣Ring Melody Playback |
RMP➣Real Music Package |
RMP➣Researcher'S Mobility Portal |
RMP➣Realtime Multimedia Processing |
RMP➣Receive Memory Pointer |
RMP➣Real Media Player |
RMP➣Refiner Mechanical Pulp (paper production) |
RMP➣Reviews of Modern Physics (from the American Physical Society) |
RMP➣Resting Membrane Potential |
RMP➣Regional Monitoring Program |
RMP➣Registered Medical Practitioner |
RMP➣Radar Modernization Program |
RMP➣Royal Malaysian Police |
RMP➣Residential Management Professional |
RMP➣Residue Monitoring Plan (food safety) |
RMP➣Rural Maintenance Program (Bangladesh) |
RMP➣Research Methods Programme (UK) |
RMP➣Random Match Probability |
RMP➣Radio Motor Patrol |
RMP➣Rim Protein |
RMP➣Recognized Maritime Picture |
RMP➣Remote Medical Practitioner |
RMP➣Reprogrammable Microprocessor |
RMP➣Residential Mixed Paper (pulp and paper industry) |
RMP➣Rhind Mathematical Papyrus |
RMP➣Robert Mann Packaging, Inc. (Oceanside, CA) |
RMP➣Radio Management Panel |
RMP➣ (Usenet newsgroup) |
RMP➣Remote Maintenance Processor |
RMP➣Remote Management Processor (Agilent) |
RMP➣Regional Minerals Program (Australia) |
RMP➣Resident Matching Program (ASHP) |
RMP➣Remote Maintenance Protocol |
RMP➣Records Management Plan |
RMP➣Republican Moderate Party |
RMP➣Russian Massage Parlor |
RMP➣Radio Mobile Patrol (Police Car NYPD) |
RMP➣RoomMate Productions (Independent Film Production Company) |
RMP➣Robert Moses Parkway (Buffalo, NY area) |
RMP➣Radio Mille Pattes (French radio station) |
RMP➣Royal Mounted Police (Canada) |
RMP➣Registered Master Plumber |
RMP➣Regression-Based Model Prediction |
RMP➣Reliable Multicasting Protocol |
RMP➣Requirement Management Plan |
RMP➣Réglementation des Marchés de Produits (French: Product Market Regulation) |
RMP➣Reversible Motor Pump |
RMP➣Remote Maintenance Panel |
RMP➣Rate Measuring Package |
RMP➣Rapid Models and Prototypes Inc |
RMP➣Resource Money Power |
RMP➣Reserve Management Period (paid administrative time blocks of 4 hours for Navy Reserve duty) |
RMP➣Random Mod Players (gaming) |
RMP➣Raster Map Product |
RMP➣Robotic Mobility Program (Segway Personal Transporters) |
RMP➣Relay, Manual, Prompt |
RMP➣Resonant Model Potential |
RMP➣Receive Message Processor |
RMP➣Rogue, Mage and Priest (gaming) |
RMP➣Readiness Manning Period |
RMP➣Relativistic Model Potential |
RMP➣Radio Móvil Privada (Spanish: Private Mobile Radio) |
RMP➣Rotational Meshing Plates (snowboard and snowboard binding interface) |
RMP➣Rolled Metal Products, Inc. |
RMP➣Recurring Maintenance Program |
RMP➣Reentry Measurement Program |
RMP➣Rocket Motor Plume |
RMP➣Rapid Message Processor |
RMP➣Relay Motor Protection |
RMP➣Restructure Marine Products, LLC (Carson, CA) |
RMP➣Reference Model Parameter |
RMP➣Rochdale Motor Panels (UK) |
RMP➣Right-of-Way Management Program (Phoenix, AZ) |
RMP➣Red Mud Plastics (polymer) |