

单词 pops


pop 1

P0444100 (pŏp)v. popped, pop·ping, pops v.intr.1. To make a short, sharp, explosive sound.2. To burst open with a short, sharp, explosive sound.3. To move quickly or unexpectedly; appear abruptly: At last the cottage popped into view.4. To open wide suddenly: The child's eyes popped with astonishment.5. To have the eustachian tubes open suddenly, equalizing pressure on both sides of the eardrum in response to changes in atmospheric pressure, as in a descending airplane: After I swallowed, my ears popped.6. Baseball To hit a short high fly ball, especially one that can be caught by an infielder: popped out to shortstop.7. To shoot a firearm, such as a pistol.8. a. To be exciting: a club that really pops at night.b. To be visually striking: a logo that really pops.v.tr.1. To cause to make a sharp bursting sound.2. To cause to open with a sharp bursting sound: popped the hood of the car to check the oil.3. To cause to explode with a sharp bursting sound: popped the balloon.4. To put or thrust suddenly or unexpectedly: "popping a crisp plump shrimp into her mouth" (Kathleen Winsor).5. a. To discharge (a firearm).b. To fire at; shoot.6. To hit or strike: popped me on the head.7. Baseball To hit (a ball) high in the air but not far.8. To release (a clutch) suddenly.9. Slang a. To take (drugs), especially orally: "To calm a case of the jitters ... the bride popped Valium" (People).b. To have (a drink): popped a few beers after work.10. Slang To take into legal custody; arrest: "Her friend was visiting and got popped for a DUI while he was driving her car" (Jamie Harrison).n.1. A sudden sharp, explosive sound.2. A shot with a firearm.3. Chiefly Midwestern US See soft drink. See Note at tonic.4. Baseball A pop fly.adv.1. With a popping sound.2. Abruptly or unexpectedly.Phrasal Verbs: pop for Informal To pay for: I'll pop for the video if you buy some snacks. pop in (or by) Informal To visit briefly: just popped in to say hello. pop off Informal 1. To leave abruptly or hurriedly.2. To die suddenly.3. To speak thoughtlessly in a burst of released anger.Idioms: a pop Slang Apiece; each: Tickets to the benefit were $100 a pop. pop the question Informal To propose marriage.
[Middle English poppen, from pop, a blow, stroke, of imitative origin.]

pop 2

P0444100 (pŏp)n. Informal Father.
[Short for papa.]

pop 3

P0444100 (pŏp) Informal adj.1. Of or for the general public; popular or popularized: pop culture; pop psychology.2. Of, relating to, or specializing in popular music: a pop singer.3. Of or suggestive of pop art: a pop style.n.1. Popular music.2. Pop art.
[Short for popular.]


abbr.1. Computers point of presence2. point of purchase3. proof of purchase


(pɒps) n (Journalism & Publishing) another name for popular5


n. (used with a sing. or pl. v.) a symphony orchestra specializing in popular and light classical music. [1955–60]



1. slang One's father. (Can by used as a term of address.) A: "Good morning, Pops." B: "Good morning? It's nearly 1 PM!" I'll have to check with my pops, but I think it should be all right.2. slang A term of address for an older man, whether or not the man is actually elderly. Get outta the way, pops! You're blocking up traffic! Excuse me, pops, do you have the time?See also: pop


n. one’s father; any older man. (Also a term of address.) Hey, pops! How you doing? See also: pop


popping, blowing, pitting, pops

Shallow conical depressions, ranging in size from pinheads to diameters of ¼ in. (64 mm), just below the surface of a lime-putty finish coat; caused by the expansion of coarse particles of unhydrated lime or of foreign substances.


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POPSPACI Online Proposal System (Partnership for Advanced Computational Infrastructure)
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POPSPyrotechnic Optical Plume Simulators




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