Popov, Pavel Stepanovich
Popov, Pavel Stepanovich
Born Aug. 26, 1842, in Kazan Povince; died 1913. Russian sinologue. Corresponding member of the St. Petersburg Academy of Sciences (1890).
Popov graduated from the faculty of Oriental languages of the University of St. Petersburg. He served in the Russian diplomatic mission in Peking, where he later was consul general. In 1902 he became a privatdocent at the University of St. Petersburg. In 1879, Popov published the Russian-Chinese Dictionary (3rd ed. 1900). He supplemented and completed P. I. Kafarov’s large Chinese-Russian Dictionary and published it in 1888 (parts 1–2). Popov did annotated translations of the ancient Chinese philosophers and wrote a number of historical and linguistic works.
Kitaiskii filosof Men-Tszy. St. Petersburg, 1904. (Translated from Chinese.)Izrecheniia Konfutsiia, uchenikov ego i dr. lits. St. Petersburg, 1910. (Translated from Chinese.)
Men-gu-iu-mu-tszi: Zapiski o mongol’skikh kochev’iakh. St. Petersburg, 1895. (Translated from Chinese.)