Baha Al-Din Zuhayr
Baha Al-Din Zuhayr
(full name, Zuhayr ibn Muhammad Baha al-Din). Born 1185; died 1258. Arab poet.
Baha al-Din Zuhayr lived in Syria and Egypt at the court of the Ayyubids. He wrote qasidas in honor of the rulers and dignitaries. His short lyrics, similar to folk songs, are marked by depth of feeling, humor, simplicity of language, and ex-quisiteness of form. Baha al-Din Zuhayr’s works influenced Egyptian poets of the 19th and 20th centuries. His divan, known in manuscript copies, has been published in Cairo and Beirut more than ten times since 1862.
Al-Fahuri, H. Istoriia arabskoi literatury, vol. 2. Moscow, 1961.Fil’shtinskii, I. M. Arabskaia Idassicheskaia literatura. Moscow, 1965.
The Poetical Worksof Behâ-ed-Din Zoheir of Egypt, vols. 1–2. With a metrical English translation, notes, and introduction by E. H. Palmer. Cambridge, 1876–77.
Brockelmann, C. Geschichte der arabischen Literatur, vol. 1. Leiden, 1943; supplement to vol. 1. Leiden, 1937.