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DictionarySeepopliteuspopliteus muscle
pop·li·te·us mus·cle (pop-lit'ē-ŭs mŭs'ĕl) Origin, lateral condyle of femur; insertion, posterior surface of tibia above oblique line; action, from the fully extended and "locked" position, rotates the femur medially, on the fixed (planted) tibial plateau about 5 degrees, "unlocking" the knee to enable flexion to occur; nerve supply, tibial. Synonym(s): musculus popliteus [TA] , popliteal muscle. popliteus muscle A short diagonally placed muscle running from the outer side of the lower end of the thigh bone (femur) to the back of the upper part of the main lower leg bone (TIBIA). It action is to rotate the femur on the tibia, or vice versa. |