Paget-von Schrotter syndrome

Pag·et-von Schröt·ter syn·drome

(paj'et fahn shroyt'er), stress thrombosis or spontaneous thrombosis of the subclavian or axillary vein; a thoracic outlet syndrome. Synonym(s): effort-induced thrombosis
A blood clot that forms within a vessel—e.g., an axillary vein—of a muscle group which was subjected to strenuous exercise. Effort thrombosis may also occur in thoracic outlet syndrome


Sir James, English surgeon, 1814-1899. extramammary Paget disease - Synonym(s): Paget diseasePaget abscess syndrome - an abscess recurrence at the same site after apparent cure.Paget associated osteogenic sarcomaPaget cells - relatively large neoplastic epithelial cells.Paget disease - an intraepidermal form of mucinous adenocarcinoma, most commonly in the anogenital region. Synonym(s): extramammary Paget diseasePaget disease of bone - osteitis deformans. Synonym(s): Paget II syndromePaget disease of the nipple - ductal carcinoma.Paget disease of the penis - carcinoma that develops after balanitis.Paget juvenile syndrome - Synonym(s): familial osteoectasiaPaget quiet necrosis - necrosis in the superficial layers of the shaft of a long bone.Paget I syndrome - relationship to or possible extension of mammary duct carcinoma.Paget II syndrome - Synonym(s): Paget disease of bonePaget test - to determine whether a mass is a solid tumor or a cyst.Paget-von Schrötter syndrome - stress thrombosis or spontaneous thrombosis of the subclavian or axillary vein. Synonym(s): effort-induced thrombosis


Leopold von, Austrian laryngologist, 1837-1908. Paget-von Schrötter syndrome - see under Paget, Sir James