Studencheskii Meridian
Studencheskii Meridian
(Student Meridian), a monthly magazine of the Central Committee of the Komsomol and of the Ministry of Higher and Secondary Specialized Education of the USSR, dealing with public affairs, politics, literature, and the arts. It was first published in Moscow in 1974. An almanac by the same name was published between 1968 and 1973 by the publishing house Molodaia Gvardiia. The magazine is addressed to a wide range of Soviet youth—students in the higher, specialized secondary, and vocational and technical institutions, in the military schools, and in the upper grades of secondary schools—as well as to instructors and Komsomol employees.
Studencheskii meridian provides information on communist education in the schools, on improvements in upbringing and educational procedures, and on socially useful labor, including the work of construction detachments, student societies, clubs, and other groups—scientific, artistic, or athletic groups, for example. The magazine publishes material on student life abroad, on the international youth movement, and on the work of progressive student organizations. In addition to articles on public affairs, Studencheskii meridian carries prose and poetry and illustrations. Circulation, 300,000 (1976).