

(tō'fī), Plural of tophus.


(tō'fī) Plural of tophus.
TOPHI: Left and right hands of a patient with multiple deforming gouty tophiTOPHI: Left and right hands of a patient with multiple deforming gouty tophi


(to'fus) plural.tophi [L., porous stone] A deposit of sodium biurate in tissues near a joint, in the ear, or elsewhere in individuals with gout. Synonym: gouty pearl See: illustration


Crystals of monosodium urate that may appear as chalky outcroppings on the skin of the ear, or may occur in tendons or joints in GOUT.

Tophus (plural, tophi)

A chalky deposit of a uric acid compound found in gout. Tophi occur most frequently around joints and in the external ear.Mentioned in: Gout