


(subhead Gazeta russkikh rabochikh [Russian Workers’ Newspaper]), a Populist (Narodnik) newspaper with a Bakuninist tendency. It was edited and published from January 1875 through March 1876 in Geneva by N. I. Zhukovskii, Z. K. Ralli, A. L. El’snits, V. A. Gol’dshtein, N. A. Morozov, and N. A. Sablin. A total of 15 issues appeared, 12 in 1875 and three in 1876. The articles were written in language modeled after popular speech. Rabotnik criticized autocracy, capitalists, and landowners. It published materials about the life of workers and discussed the international labor movement from an anarchist point of view.



(The Worker), a nonperiodical collection published between 1896 and 1899 in Geneva on the initiative of V. I. Lenin by the League of Russian Social Democrats Abroad; it was edited by the Liberation of Labor group. The six issues, published in three books, were oriented toward Marxist workers’ circles. Rabotnik also had a supplement, Listok “Rabotnika”, of which ten issues were published. The first two issues of Rabotnik contained Lenin’s article “Friedrich Engels” and his proclamation “To the Working Men and Women of the Thornton Factory.”


Lenin, V. I. Poln. sobr. soch. 5th ed., vol. 2, p. 568.
Bol’shevistskaia pechat’: Sb. materialov, fasc. 1. Moscow, 1959.