Rabochee Dvizhenie v Rossii v XIX Veke
Rabochee Dvizhenie v Rossii v XIX Veke
(The Workers’ Movement in 19th-century Russia), documents and materials published in four volumes (each in two parts) by the Central Archive Administration and the Central State Historical Archives in Moscow and Leningrad. In compiling the collections, the resources of central and local archives were extensively utilized. Many of the documents were published for the first time. Each book contains a chronicle of the workers’ movement, indexes of enterprises and names, and other appendixes. The first volume (1951; 2nd ed., 1955) is devoted to disturbances of enserfed and free workers in Russia between 1800 and 1860. The second volume (1950) covers the workers’ movement between 1861 and 1884, the third (1952), the period from 1885 to 1894, and the fourth (1961–63), the period from 1895 to 1900.