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thoracocyrtosis thoracocyrtosis [thor″ah-ko-sir-to´sis] abnormal curvature of the chest wall.tho·ra·co·cyr·to·sis (thō'ră-kō-sĭr-tō'sis), Abnormally wide curvature of the chest wall. [thoraco- + G. kyrtōsis, a being crooked] thoracocyrtosis A rarely used, nonspecific term for any abnormal curvature of the chest wall; it is not used in the working medical parlance.tho·ra·co·cyr·to·sis (thōr'ă-kō-sĭr-tō'sis) Abnormally wide curvature of the chest wall. [thoraco- + G. kyrtōsis, a being crooked] |