Acronym | Definition |
RJF➣Raymond James Financial, Inc. (St. Petersburg, FL) |
RJF➣Red Jungle Fowl |
RJF➣Reichsbund Jüdischer Frontsoldaten (organization of German Jewish veterans of WWI) |
RJF➣Revue de Jurisprudence Fiscale (French: Journal of Tax Cases) |
RJF➣Ransomes Jacobsen France (French turf equipment distributor) |
RJF➣Reformation and Jihad Front (Sunni insurgent coalition) |
RJF➣Reims Jazz Festival (France) |
RJF➣Robert J. Farrell (business coach) |
RJF➣Raymond J. Fisher Middle School (California) |
RJF➣Rolling-Joint Foot (prosthetics) |
RJF➣Reverse Jet Filter |