Sebriakovo Cement Plant

Sebriakovo Cement Plant


(full name P. A. Iudin Sebriakovo Cement Plant), a pilot plant of the USSR cement industry in the city of Mikhailovka, Volgograd Oblast, near the Sebriakovo railroad station. The Sebriakovo Cement Plant produces high-quality Portland cement in grades 400 and 500 and 300-grade Portland slag cement.

The Sebriakovo Cement Plant began operation in 1953. In 1956 four rotary kilns, three 2.6 × 13 m cement grinders, and three 2.2 × 15.4 m drying drums were in operation. In the 1960’s the plant was expanded to three production lines equipped with the newest equipment and was designated a central installation of the cement industry for the Comecon member countries. The plant enjoys a high level of mechanization and automation. In 1972 the Tsement-1 automated control system was put into operation. In 1974 the plant produced 2.93 million tons of cement, and labor productivity reached 2,300 tons annually per worker.

In 1957 the Sebriakovo Cement Plant was named for P. A. Iudin, a former Minister of the Building Materials Industry of the USSR. The plant was awarded the Order of Lenin in 1966.