seborrheic blepharitis

seb·or·rhe·ic bleph·a·ri·tis

a common type of chronic inflammation of the margins of the eyelids with erythema and white scales; often with an associated seborrheic dermatitis of scalp and face.

seb·or·rhe·ic bleph·a·ri·tis

(seb'ōr-ē'ik blef'ăr-ī'tis) A common type of chronic inflammation of the margins of the eyelids with erythema and white scales; often with an associated seborrheic dermatitis of scalp and face.
Synonym(s): seborrhoeic blepharitis, seborrhoeic blepharitis.

seborrheic blepharitis

A nonulcerative form of blepharitis in which waxy scales form on the eyelids. It is usually associated with seborrheic dermatitis of the surrounding skin. See also: blepharitis