Walden Pond State Reservation

Walden Pond State Reservation

Parks Directory of the United States / State Parks / Massachusetts
Location:Near Lincoln and Concord in the Greater Boston area.
Facilities:Historic site, beaches (é), picnic area, boat ramp, trails.
Activities:Boating (non-motorized), canoeing, fishing, swimming, hiking, cross-country skiing, guided tours and educational programs.
Special Features:Henry David Thoreau lived at Walden Pond from July 1845 to September1847, and his experience at Walden provided material for his bookWalden, which inspired public awareness and respectfor the natural environment. Because of Thoreau's legacy, Walden Pondhas been designated a National Historic Landmark and is considered thebirthplace of the conservation movement. A replica of Thoreau's houseand the location of his modest home are available for viewing by thepublic. The number of visitors at Walden Pond is limited to no morethan 1,000 people at a time, so visitors are advised to call the parkin advance to check on availability.
Address:915 Walden St
Concord, MA 01742

Web: www.mass.gov/dcr/parks/northeast/wldn.htm
Size: 400 acres.

See other parks in Massachusetts.