释义 |
splenomyelomalacia sple·no·my·e·lo·ma·la·ci·a (splē'nō-mī'ĕ-lō-mă-lā'shē-ă), Pathologic softening of the spleen and bone marrow. [spleno- + G. myelos, marrow, + malakia, softness] splenomyelomalacia A nonspecific term of waning use for an abnormal softening of the spleen and bone marrow, which may correspond to infarction, infection or infiltration.sple·no·my·e·lo·ma·la·ci·a (splē'nō-mī'ĕ-lō'mă-lā'shē-ă) Pathologic softening of the spleen and bone marrow. [spleno- + G. myelos, marrow, + malakia, softness] |