释义 |
splenectopia splenectopia [splen″ek-to´pe-ah] displacement of the spleen.sple·nec·to·pi·a , splenectopy (splē'nek-tō'pē-ă, splē-nek'tō-pē), 1. Displacement of the spleen, as in a floating spleen. 2. The presence of rests of splenic tissue, usually in the region of the spleen. [splen- + G. ektopos, out of place] sple·nec·to·pi·a , splenectopy (splē'nek-tō'pē-ă, splē-nek'tŏ-pē) 1. Displacement of the spleen, as in a floating spleen. 2. The presence of rests of splenic tissue, usually in the region of the spleen. [splen- + G. ektopos, out of place] |