

单词 pack ice

pack ice

pack ice

n. Floating ice that has been driven together into a single mass.

pack ice

n (Physical Geography) a large area of floating ice, usually occurring in polar seas, consisting of separate pieces that have become massed together. Also called: ice pack

pack′ ice`

n. a large area of floating marine ice whose pieces are driven together by wind, current, etc. Also called ice pack. [1840–50]

pack ice

(păk) Oceanography A large area of floating ice consisting of a mixture of ice fragments packed or squeezed together.
Noun1.pack ice - a large expanse of floating icepack ice - a large expanse of floating ice ice packice - the frozen part of a body of water

pack ice

pack ice

a large area of floating ice, usually occurring in polar seas, consisting of separate pieces that have become massed together

Pack Ice


polar sea ice that has lasted through more than two annual cycles of buildup and thaw. It is usually observed in the form of vast ice fields in the Arctic Basin and as shore ice along the northern coasts of Greenland, in the northern straits of the Canadian Arctic Ocean archipelago, and in Antarctica. Hummocks in fields of pack ice are usually smoothed out by recurrent thaws, and as a result the fields tend to be rolling. Extensive pack ice makes passage by ships impossible and presents a serious obstacle to navigation along the pack’s southern margin. Pack ice accounts for 60–90 percent of the ice sheet of the Arctic basin, depending on how far south the pack ice extends.

pack ice

[′pak ‚īs] (oceanography) Any area of sea ice, except fast ice, composed of a heterogeneous mixture of ice of varying ages and sizes, and formed by the packing together of pieces of floating ice. Also known as ice canopy; ice pack; pack.
MedicalSeeice pack

pack ice

Related to pack ice: ice floe, Ice pack therapy
  • noun

Synonyms for pack ice

noun a large expanse of floating ice


  • ice pack

Related Words

  • ice




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